Me The Professional

I have 32 years of personal and professional experience collectively in the field of recovery. My journey began on the personal side, which you have already read about. Professionally, I have a bachelor’s in psychology from Framingham State University and a master’s from the New England School of Acupuncture. In my early ‘grass roots’ years we held onto those still sick and suffering until a detox bed opened up. This moved to walking the streets and sitting in vans making sure there were clean needles, clean water, and cotton balls for anyone still using. In my masters work we provided health care to the mentally ill and street workers. I’ve worked behind the wall, in the transition houses out of the prisons, and in group homes. I have worked with minors, adults, and seniors all battling co-occurring disorders. I’ve keyed into the rooms to identify the body and I’ve spoken at the 10-year anniversary. I’ve seen it all, heard it all, and have hoped for every single last one of the people I’ve worked with.

When my children were young, I taught at 3 separate college level schools. Mostly Anatomy and Physiology, but there were some other classes thrown in there as well. Ethics, Clinical and structural anatomy, and a couple Chem classes.

For volunteer work, I keep mostly to my Church where I practice my Faith these days. I’ve run bereavement groups and Cancer survivor groups. My favorite has always been what used to be known as CCD. I love starting the year off with the bright shinny faces of the 7th and 8th graders and asking them what they saw for their future. I assure you, not one of them has ever said they wanted to quit school and become a drug addict.

This will be new for me, working with the parent of the addicted teen. It will be a melding of all my strengths, talents, and professions I have mastered over the years. I cannot remember a time that I was this passionate about a subject. The Sciences always excited me, but this is close to my heart. This is my story too. I have combined my knowledge and my heart to change the way parents manage addiction in their teens. It worked for me and my family, I know it can work for you.


Up Close And Personal


My Mission