OUR Modules.


Week 1: Crisis Intervention

In week 1, life hangs in the balance. I teach you the ins and outs of the systems in place for adolescents. I teach you who and when to call, who to get in front of, and how to present the information to direct care. Your young addict needs medical attention to get better. You must do more than watch, you must direct.


Week 2: Acceptance & Understanding Addiction

In week 2, I teach you how to combat preconceived notions, blame, frustration, negative thoughts, and fear. I teach you The Stages of Change and how to create the necessary boundaries to love and to laugh with your young addict again, even if active. I teach you how to rebuild trust so that you are the one they reach out to before the moment of Crisis.


In week 3, We get the logistics straight. There is a huge learning curve and a lot of moving parts. It takes a village, and you need help. I teach you how to see where you want to go, how to get there, how to create a support network, and how to use the trained individuals already in place.

Week 4: Self Care

In week 4, I teach you how to do more than survive addiction. I teach you the tools to get centered and strong in body, mind, and spirit to continue to support your young addict, your family members, and continue to function in your daily life.