All Classes: Recovery is Possible


Sign up here for all 4 weeks and save $75. for the entire package. This is a 4 week/ 8 class course being held online over zoom twice a week. Sign up and become the director of your kiddo’s recovery process. Learn how to set recovery goals for you, your kiddo, and other family members to achieve a new stability and a true connection. Let the healing begin now.

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Trust in the process.

Trust in yourself

The Last 2 weeks:

Inter- Personal

The last two weeks we get to the nitty gritty. No one recovers alone. Not you, not your young addict. You need to recover from the devastation of addiction as much as your young addict. You are here because you realize this.

In these two weeks we build the team that will help take care of you as you take care of your kiddo and hold your family together.

The First 2 weeks:


The first two weeks are a crash course in the systems, people, and process of addiction. I teach you who to and how to communicate so YOU direct the care. Recovery can’t happen if you don’t know where you are going. In these two weeks, we chart the course.



You can not fail if you keep trying, you can only learn.

Louise Angelini