Week 2: Acceptance and Understanding Addiction


In week 2, I teach you how to combat preconceived notions, blame, frustration, negative thoughts, and fear. I teach you The Stages of Change and how to create the necessary boundaries to love and to laugh with your young addict again, even if active. I teach you how to rebuild trust so that you are the one they reach out to before the moment of Crisis.

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Facts and Fiction in Addiction

Class 2: Day 2

You will bring your successes and mistakes to class, (I have a few of my own). We will identify your triggers and help you create a safe space to learn, grow, and connect with your kiddo.

Class 2: Day 1

Check out my ‘Professional’ Blog.

You will learn the ‘Stages of Change’ of addiction and break the damaging cycle of judging and reacting. You will learn to live again.

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God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I can not change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.